Billing Information

As a convenience, the Point Roberts Water District offers a number of different payment options. See the descriptions below to find the method that works best for you.
Walk-In Payments
Water bills can be paid at the district office during normal business hours at 2002 Benson Road, Point Roberts, WA. Our hours of operation are:
Monday - Friday, 8 AM to 12 noon and 1 PM to 5 PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays
The PRWD also provides a drop-box in front of our office at 2002 Benson Road.
Snail Mail
If sending you water bill by regular mail, please mail promptly as not to incur any late of disconnect fees. Mail your check to Point Roberts Water District #4, P.O. Box 39, Point Roberts, WA 98281.
Online Payments, anytime, anywhere!
PRWD encourages our customers to go paperless and pay your water bill online through PlayClix has been chosen by PRWD to handle the processing of water and sewer bills. Payments can now be done using a credit card, a debit card, or an eCheck. PlayClix is a simple, fast and secure online payment portal. It's free to register. PLEASE NOTE: When paying your water bill online through your bank (not PayCLIX), make sure you have changed the address to our new mailing address of:
Point Roberts Water District #4
P.O. Box 39
Point Roberts, WA 98281
More on using PayClix
For Existing PayClix Users
If you have already registered at PayClix and want to pay your bill now, click here.
For New Users to PayClix
If you are new to PayClix and have not yet registered with a username and password, click here.
Point Roberts Water District #4 Service Fees
We accept cash payments and U.S. funds checks.
No postdated checks.
Late Charge: Water bills become past due after the due date shown.
Balances remaining after the due date are subject to a 8% late charge.
Return check fee: $46.00
To view a complete list of PRWD Fees and Charges, click here.
Download a Adobe PDF of the PRWD Fees and Charges, click here.